Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Centre Plan

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Consultation has concluded

This page is closed for contributions. 

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is currently working on the preparation of the Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Centre Plan. This Plan will comprise a long-term strategy to help create and sustain a more prosperous and sustainable Town Centre. The Plan will help to provide a framework for the future of the Town Centre to diversify and adapt to changes, attract and encourage investment, and remain a vibrant, active and attractive place that residents and visitors can enjoy now and in the future.

The Council is very keen to get the views and opinions of local residents, users of the town and local business and the following survey seeks to gain input at this early stage of the development of the Plan. You can also drag and drop pins onto our interactive map to tell us where you think improvements can be made.

This survey is the first stage of engagement and there will be further opportunity to be involved at subsequent stages of the Plans’ preparation. If you would like to receive feedback on this early work and be kept involved of the progress of the Plan, then please provide your e-mail address for future correspondence.

The area covered by the Town Centre Plan is indicated below, please have a look at the interactive map tool to explore in more detail:

A map of the Town Centre according to the plan, which extends from Beulah Road, in the St James area, to the Swan Hotel on the Pantiles.

This page is closed for contributions. 

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is currently working on the preparation of the Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Centre Plan. This Plan will comprise a long-term strategy to help create and sustain a more prosperous and sustainable Town Centre. The Plan will help to provide a framework for the future of the Town Centre to diversify and adapt to changes, attract and encourage investment, and remain a vibrant, active and attractive place that residents and visitors can enjoy now and in the future.

The Council is very keen to get the views and opinions of local residents, users of the town and local business and the following survey seeks to gain input at this early stage of the development of the Plan. You can also drag and drop pins onto our interactive map to tell us where you think improvements can be made.

This survey is the first stage of engagement and there will be further opportunity to be involved at subsequent stages of the Plans’ preparation. If you would like to receive feedback on this early work and be kept involved of the progress of the Plan, then please provide your e-mail address for future correspondence.

The area covered by the Town Centre Plan is indicated below, please have a look at the interactive map tool to explore in more detail:

A map of the Town Centre according to the plan, which extends from Beulah Road, in the St James area, to the Swan Hotel on the Pantiles.