About the Strategy

    Our current Housing Strategy is the West Kent Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2016 – 2021 which is reaching the end of its term. We delivered this Strategy with Sevenoaks and Tonbridge and Malling Councils, however, the Councils have decided to have their own strategies for the next five years. 

    The Homelessness Act 2002 requires us to conduct a homelessness review every five years, and to develop a Strategy setting out how services will be delivered in the future. In addition, the Government’s Rough Sleeping Strategy sets out a vision to halve rough sleeping by 2022 and to eliminate it completely by 2024. Local authorities have been asked to update their homelessness strategies to include rough sleeper strategies, and this draft Strategy incorporates rough sleeping for the first time. 

    The draft Strategy has been prepared over the past year with discussions taking place with our partners, and contributions from Housing and Planning staff. It’s been considered by councillors at our Housing Advisory Panel, Cabinet Advisory Board and Cabinet, and the comments made have been incorporated into the current version. 

    The Strategy is in draft form, pending consultation with partners working alongside us in the borough, and colleagues in other local authorities and organisations. 

    Preventing homelessness and ending rough sleeping: Priorities

    Preventing homelessness and supporting households at risk of homelessness

    Ending rough sleeping

    Working with private sector landlords to house homeless and at risk households

    Moving homeless households onto permanent homes

    Increasing the supply and choice of new and good quality homes: Priorities

    Maximising delivery of new affordable homes to meet housing need

    Delivering low carbon and environmentally sustainable homes

    Improving housing and meeting need: Priorities

    Shaping a thriving, high standard private rented sector

    Bringing long term empty homes back into use

    Making best use of social rented housing

    Reducing the environmental impact of homes

    Promoting homes that sustain health and wellbeing: Priorities

    Shaping the housing stock

    Supporting and maintaining the independence of residents

    Developing integrated housing, health, and care strategies