Better Streets: Vision Report feedback

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation will run from 23 February to 1 April, for the LATEST Better Streets engagement page please follow this link.

In response to concerns raised by residents about traffic and parking in local streets, TWBC commissioned Phil Jones Associates to work with officers, councillors and residents on the Better Streets project for the St John’s and St James’ areas of Royal Tunbridge Wells. 

The aim of the project is to understand resident's concerns in detail and then to prepare designs to make the streets in these areas safer and more pleasant for walking, wheeling and cycling.

To date, engagement with local residents has included:

  1. An initial online map and survey to identify specific locations of concern and ideas for improvements (500 + responses)
  2. A Community Audit (a walk around the areas with local residents)
  3. A Drop-in Workshop session at the hub in Grosvenor & Hilbert Park (approximately 50 attendees)
  4. Phone interviews with local schools (Skinners, St James’, St Augustine’s)

A Draft Vision Report (see attachment on the right of the page) has now been compiled which draws on the information collated from the comments and ideas of local people and technical information assessed by Phil Jones Associates and we are very keen to have feedback on this document.

We hope that if you have already engaged with the project you will recognise the issues that you have raised in the report. However, please note that there is still plenty of time to make your views known if you have not done so to date.

We are now seeking feedback on the issues, design principles and vision for each area. This will assist with the next stage of the project in which specific measures for each area will be identified.

Please complete the short questionnaire relating to the contents of the Draft Vision Report below.

If you have any further queries regarding this consultation please email us at

This consultation will run from 23 February to 1 April, for the LATEST Better Streets engagement page please follow this link.

In response to concerns raised by residents about traffic and parking in local streets, TWBC commissioned Phil Jones Associates to work with officers, councillors and residents on the Better Streets project for the St John’s and St James’ areas of Royal Tunbridge Wells. 

The aim of the project is to understand resident's concerns in detail and then to prepare designs to make the streets in these areas safer and more pleasant for walking, wheeling and cycling.

To date, engagement with local residents has included:

  1. An initial online map and survey to identify specific locations of concern and ideas for improvements (500 + responses)
  2. A Community Audit (a walk around the areas with local residents)
  3. A Drop-in Workshop session at the hub in Grosvenor & Hilbert Park (approximately 50 attendees)
  4. Phone interviews with local schools (Skinners, St James’, St Augustine’s)

A Draft Vision Report (see attachment on the right of the page) has now been compiled which draws on the information collated from the comments and ideas of local people and technical information assessed by Phil Jones Associates and we are very keen to have feedback on this document.

We hope that if you have already engaged with the project you will recognise the issues that you have raised in the report. However, please note that there is still plenty of time to make your views known if you have not done so to date.

We are now seeking feedback on the issues, design principles and vision for each area. This will assist with the next stage of the project in which specific measures for each area will be identified.

Please complete the short questionnaire relating to the contents of the Draft Vision Report below.

If you have any further queries regarding this consultation please email us at

  • Consultation has concluded
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